пятница, 8 января 2016 г.

[prog.c++] В склерозник: С++ инструменты для concurrency

Время от времени приходится в блоге и/или на форумах давать ссылки на инструменты для упрощения разработчики многопоточных приложений на C++. Дабы не приходилось выискивать их каждый раз заново, решил сделать отдельный пост-слерозник с этими самыми ссылками. Пусть лежат в одном месте, проще будет найти.

  • Intel Threading Building Blocks. A library that supports scalable parallel programming using standard ISO C++ code. It is designed to promote scalable data parallel programming. Additionally, it fully supports nested parallelism, so you can build larger parallel components from smaller parallel components. To use the library, you specify tasks, not threads, and let the library map tasks onto threads in an efficient manner.
  • HPX (High Performance ParalleX). A general purpose C++ runtime system for parallel and distributed applications of any scale. It strives to provide a unified programming model which transparently utilizes the available resources to achieve unprecedented levels of scalability.
  • Just::Thread Pro. Provides a framework for creating actors that run on separate threads, and communicate via message passing, as well as jss::synchronized_value for synchronizing access to a single object and jss::concurrent_map, a hash map that is safe for concurrent access from multiple threads.
  • CAF (C++ Actor Framework). An open source C++11 actor model implementation featuring lightweight & fast actor implementations, pattern matching for messages, network transparent messaging, and more..
  • SObjectizer. A small tool for simplification of development of concurrent and event-driven applications in C++. It allows to build a concurrent application as a set of agent-objects which interact with each other only by means of asynchronous messages. SObjectizer takes responsibility of in-process message dispatching and providing working context for message processing.
  • Boost.Fiber. Provides a framework for micro-/userland-threads (fibers) scheduled cooperativly. The API contains classes and functions to manage and synchronize fibers similiar to boost.thread.
  • QP. A family of lightweight software frameworks for building responsive and modular real-time embedded applications as systems of cooperating, event-driven active objects (actors). The QP family consists of QP/C, QP/C++, and QP-nano frameworks, which are all strictly quality controlled, thoroughly documented, and commercially licensable.
  • FastFlow. A C/C++ programming framework supporting the development of pattern-based parallel programs on multi/many-core and distributed platforms. FastFlow run-time is built upon non-blocking threads and lock-free queues. Thanks to its very efficient CAS-free communication/synchronization support (e.g. few clock cycles core-to-core latency), FastFlow effectively supports the exploitation of fine grain parallelism, e.g. parallel codes managing very high frequency streams on commodity multi-core.

Ну и это не говоря про более низкоуровневые возможности для работы с многопоточностью, которые есть в фреймворках вроде Boost, ACE, POCO, Qt и т.д.

Так же имеет смысл смотреть вот в эту коллекцию ссылок, в раздел Concurrency.

PS. В комментарии можно кидать ссылки на другие инструменты для C++, решающие проблемы многопоточности применительно к concurrency computing. Я буду добавлять их в общий список.

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